Last week was all about healthy brownie recipes here at DAMY Health (if you missed those click here).

This week is all about cheesecakes!!!!

Below you will find a variety of healthy cheesecakes. Some are vegan, some are skinny, some are light, some are raw, some are no-bake and I believe all are gluten-free. There are a range of recipes that fall under these above categories BUT all are created with whole, natural ingredients. This is the true way to enjoy desserts!

Oh, and they taste UNBELIEVABLE!!! Enjoy 🙂 (You can find more Mini Cheesecakes here!)

NOTE: simply click the pictures below to see the recipes.


12 Healthy & Delicious Cheesecake Recipes























Amy Layne is a Personal Trainer, Holistic Nutritionist and Lifestyle Expert at DAMY Health. She is the creator of the popular DAMY Method Program and world famous Bikini Body Program. To see Amy’s Before and After Photos and DAMY Member Success Stories Click Here. For Amy’s complete story go

Connect with Amy on Twitter @damyhealth and on Facebook.